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Banking Rebundled

Financial institutions will be the "attractors" of the future, rebundling an emerging set of banking services from a variety of providers.

Top 10 Articles of 2014

What subjects interested readers most last year? Digital marketing, big data, Millennials, branch design and social media topped the list.

What Bank Marketers Should Know About The Fed’s Survey of Consumer Finances

According to a recent Federal Reserve Bulletin: “The Federal Reserve Board’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) collects information about family incomes, net worth, balance sheet components, credit use, and other financial outcomes. The 2013 SCF reveals substantial disparities in the evolution of income and net worth since the previous time the survey was conducted, […]

Banks’ Digital Marketing Hyperopia

Don’t bother looking it up. Hyperopia is a term that refers to far-sightedness–for the purpose of this blog post, it’s important to know that it’s the opposite of myopia. Myopia being the term used by Kevin Tynan, CMO of Liberty Bank for Savings, in an editorial in American Banker titled Banks Have a Case of […]

PwC Data on Banking in 2020

PwC released an excellent report recently, titled Retail Banking 2020: Evolution or Revolution? Reading through the report triggered some thoughts:  PwC: Fewer than 20% of (banking) executives feel well-prepared for the future. My take: The other 80% told the truth. ———– PwC: 70% of global bank executives believe it is very important to consider how […]

The Myopia in the Banking Industry

The path to success in banking isn't about moving money faster. It's about developing products and services to help the next generation.