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Free WiFi in Bank Branches? Yes. Cappuccino Hangouts? No Way.

Every now and then, someone in the financial industry suggests transforming branches into hangouts. Most recently, the author of a Bank Innovation article wondered why banks and credit unions don’t follow in Starbucks’ footsteps, becoming a “third place” by turning their branches into “destination experiences.” It’s tempting to look at what Starbucks has done and […]

US Bank Steals Page From Credit Union Playbook

If you’ve never heard of Dell Credit Union, Ohio State University FCU or Kohl’s Credit Union, there’s a good reason. They don’t exist. It might have something to do with the branches US Bank has built to serve the employees working on the campuses of those organizations. Through US Bank’s On-Site Banking program, some of […]

Meet PAT, FirstOntario’s Remote Video Teller

Video banking has been around for a few years now in the U.S., but FirstOntario Credit Union says it is the first in Canada to offer it. Much like an ATM, PAT spits out cash and takes deposits. But PAT, short for Personal Assisted Teller, has a number of features you won’t find on your […]

DBS Bank to Crowdsource Millennial Branch Concepts

DBS Bank in Singapore is crowdsourcing concepts for a “youth branch” concept with its “I-Designed-A-Bank” contest. The contest seeks Gen-Y’s help designing branches that will appeal to young people and their lifestyle. DBS not only claims its contest is one-of-a-kind, its future “youth branch” will be the first in Singapore designed specifically to meet the […]

Reinventing ATB Financial’s Brand Through Branches

Alberta Treasury Branches, doing business as ATB Financial, is a financial institution and crown corporation owned by the Province of Alberta. ATB operates exclusively in Alberta, providing financial services to 670,000 Albertans. In its early days, ATB operated in smaller, remote areas that bigger banks didn’t deem profitable enough, and offered services banks didn’t, such […]