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Twitter Phishing: How Can It Be Stopped?

Since January, the number of financial institutions on Twitter has skyrocketed. At last count, no fewer than 500 retail banks and credit unions had a Twitter account. With more and more of them offering to help resolve service issue on Twitter, it’s inevitable that phishing attacks will soon target retail financial consumers…if it isn’t happening […]

3 Tales of Twitter Success

An increasing number of frustrated financial consumer are finding out that Twitter can work as a service “express lane.” As the following stories show, more and more people are expressing their displeasure with various companies — including financial institutions (or rather, particularly financial institutions). Banks and credit unions alike seem to be listening. Those financial […]

How To: Twitter for Banks & Credit Unions

Everywhere you turn, it seems people are talking about Twitter. Sure, you hear a lot of hype about how “you need to get on Twitter!” But there isn’t much in the way of practical, actionable advice. Why is Twitter important? Who is using it? And what for? How do you get started? Find out in […]

A Great Campaign That Raises a Question of Social Media Ethics

Anyone with a dry sense of humor will love the “I Love Fees” campaign from Coast Capital Savings up in British Columbia. The tongue-in-cheek promotion makes fun of Canada’s big five banks for charging billions in fees every year. The campaign mocks a genre of ads that feature cheesy, cliché, slice-of-life moments. You know the […]

Results 2.0: Social Media for Financial Institutions

Recently, a bank sent this request out over Twitter: “Help us figure out what our new blog should be about. Please send suggestions.” More often than not, when financial institutions deploy Web 2.0 tools, it feels like a tactic searching for an excuse/strategy. They assume they need online social media before they even know what […]

Banks Build an Online Arcade, But Are Consumers Game?

In recent years, more and more banks have created interactive, Flash-based online games. There’s everything from throwing pies and floating balloons to classic driving games. But can banks make online games that are any good? What do people think when a bank tries to make its message fun by rolling out a game? Let’s take […]

Young & Free – South Carolina

South Carolina FCU joins two other credit unions running Young & Free from Currency Marketing. Here's what the campaign entails.

Families Transform Their Finances in ‘U-Turn Challenge’

First Tech Credit Union is about to announce which households will be participating in its U-Turn Challenge. In this social media contest, ten finalists will document their financial successes and challenges using blogs hosted at the credit union’s microsite. Selected households will compete for a $10,000 grand prize. The prize goes to the household that […]

BofA is on Twitter, So Why Aren’t You?

“I work for Bank of America and I’m here to help, listen, and learn from our customers in the Twitter community.” — David Knapp, BofA’s Twitter Representative Last Week, Bank of America launched a Twitter account, becoming the largest financial institution in the world using a social media tool for customer service. BofA joins a […]

Wells Fargo + Wachovia = 5th Blog for The Stagecoach

“We understand you are going to have questions and comments about what’s going on. That’s why we created this blog – for you, our customers.” — WF/Wachovia Blog “One team, twice as strong.” That’s the slogan on Wells Fargo’s latest online social media effort, The Wells Fargo – Wachovia Blog. Wells Fargo created the blog […]

A Gen-Y Firm for Credit Unions is ‘On Your Way’

“In most cases ‘On Your Way’ will pay for itself right away.” — On Your Way website The credit union industry can add one more firm to the list of companies specializing in Gen-Y marketing solutions. TBA Marketing is joining the ranks of vendors like PSCU Financial Services and Currency Marketing who are competing in […]

NAB’S UBank: A Cautionary Tale in Social Media

To support the launch of its new online self-service offering, UBank, NAB created a blog at myfuturebank.org. But the bank closed the blog earlier this month after one of its employees posted comments posing as a legitimate customer. At first, the impostor denied he was a bank employee, but forensic internet analysis proved that all […]