“The culprit? Mountain America Credit Union.
Check out the site, but don’t sign up to do business with them.
At least if I lived in Utah I wouldn’t.
Not after hearing about this horror story.”
– Joseph
“Dear Bank of America, your credit line is a scam!!!
Bank of America will screw you, hide behind legalese and doubletalk.”
– Black Canseco
“After more than a dozen years under the yoke of Wells Fargo,
I finally pulled the plug on the bastards…
I went and pulled all my money out
and walked it down to San Francisco Fire Credit Union.”
– Elite, Yelp! review
“Those bastards!”
– Just Dave
“Banks are never going to be your friend,
no matter what the marketing tagline is.
You know who told me that?
A women working at the bank.”
– Sunili
“Thank you Golden 1. I am sooooo glad you are there to help
when help is needed. My family thanks you.”
– meds4every1
“Virginia Credit Union, you rock!”
– Michael
“I do like VanCity, but I can get a VISA anywhere,
hopefully with less hassle.”
– Colin
“I would prefer more tellers than door boys asking me
if I wanted a drink. If we weren’t waiting so long
we wouldn’t be getting bloody thirsty in the first place.”
– Sunili
“HSBC, ‘The World’s Local Bank’, can’t accept your local currency.”
– Paul