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Hackers Embarrass Trio of Financial Firms on Twitter

Within a span of 48 hours, no fewer than three separate financial institutions — two credit unions and one bank — fell victim to a now common social-engineering ploy whereby hackers get people to voluntarily surrender their passwords then hijack the account for their own nefarious purposes. It starts innocently enough. A hacker sends a […]

Sustaining Social Media Success With Marketing Muscle

American Express first ran national TV spots for its OPEN Forum, an online resource and networking website for business owners, back when the social media project was launched in July 2009. Now — in what may be a first in the financial industry — American Express just rolled out a new wave of ads supporting […]

Why Social Media Is A Fulltime Job

Social media is free, but it isn't easy. There are no short cuts. Just like with anything else, bankers get out of it what they put into it.

Petition to Verify Twitter Accounts for Financial Firms

How do Twitter users know they are interacting with a legitimate person or company? The truth is, they don’t. That is, unless that person is someone like Brittney Spears. Twitter has been offering “Verified Accounts” since June, but the company only seems interested in verifying accounts of celebrities — people like movie stars and sports […]

Q&A: Integrated Social Media + Financial Marketing

The Financial Brand sat down with Tim McAlpine, president and creative director of Currency Marketing, to talk about integrated social media marketing for financial institutions. As one of the financial industry’s most accomplished and well-respected social media marketers, Tim’s firm has developed a number of successful programs targeting niche groups, including the renowned Young & […]

Twitter Phishing: It’s Here, Now

Two months ago, The Financial Brand warned of the phishing risks financial institutions face on Twitter. Yesterday, at least two financial institutions had their official corporate Twitter accounts hacked, maybe more. While it seems no serious harm was done, it’s something all banks and credit unions need to be aware of. Here’s how it works. […]

USAA’s WhatsOnYourMind.com

“In a tough economy, you can connect with others and share ideas.” That’s the stated purpose of USAA’s latest social media effort centered around an online forum hosted at WhatsOnYourMind.com. In the forum, USAA encourages people to “share your thoughts and issues with us.” You don’t need to be a USAA member to participate in […]