Data Analytics in Banking

Articles about data analytics in banking, including data analytics tools, big data, how to leverage data to personalize the digital banking experience, and other advanced data analytics strategies to drive business decisions.

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Move Over CMOs, Data-Driven Growth Marketers Are Taking Over

The evolution of the chief marketer from overseeing ads placements to product innovation is a sign of a new era in executive thinking that's blending sales, product and finance.



Search within Data Analytics in Banking

Just How Risky Are Young Borrowers?

Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that young borrowers are actually much less likely to seriously default on their credit cards.

The Empty Promise Of Big Data

An analytics expert outlines why financial marketers should dodge the “big data” trap and dump the term completely. A good discussion ensues.

Reimagining Retail Banking

Financial marketers need to wake up to the digital revolution, and swap branch-based thinking with a new vision that embraces data analytics.