Search Results: jim marous

Mastering Quantum Marketing in Banking

The financial marketing sector is going to encounter its biggest disruption yet: quantum marketing. Not sure what that entails yet? Jim Marous sat down with Mastercard's chief marketing officer Raja Rajamannar discusses what bankers need to know.

Varo: The First Nationally Chartered Fintech Bank

Why did Varo pursue a national charter? Better question yet, how did it achieve it? The digital bank's founder and CEO Colin Walsh sat down with Jim Marous to talk through the process of earning a U.S. charter and the benefits of existing as an exclusively-digital bank.

Financial Marketing Takes Center Stage

Covid-19 changed financial marketing more than anything else in the eight years that the Digital Banking Report had witnessed. Deluxe's President and CEO Barry McCarthy sat down with Jim Marous to talk out how.

CaixaBank: Innovation Drives Digital Transformation

CaixaBank's digital lifestyle platform imagin is making waves in banking digital transformation. Benjami Puigdevall sat down with Jim Marous to talk how imagin was created, and what's on the horizon for the bank.

Building a Culture-Driven Virtual Bank

Jim Marous visited WeLab in China in early 2020, which is utilizing data analytics and AI to analyze mobile data in minutes. How can this technology help banks create customer profiles?