On-Demand Webinar
The nation’s three largest retail banking providers established a reputation for offering the most advanced digital banking tools well over a decade ago. This reputation persists today, even though almost all banking providers deliver comparable capabilities. Nevertheless, the three largest banks capture nearly half of all new checking accounts annually, and have much younger and faster-growing consumer bases than the rest of the industry.
To differentiate themselves from megabanks, smaller institutions must develop and communicate meaningful, authentic messages that resonate with younger consumers. They also need an end-to-end digital engagement strategy, along with the consumer and banker facing tools to support it. Together, these initiatives will enable smaller banks and credit unions to increase acquisition of new, younger relationships while growing their businesses as fast — or faster — than the largest banking providerss.
Join Jim Marous from The Financial Brand, along with Bottomline‘s Norm DeLuca and Doug Stotz, for a deep dive into how leading community institutions drive growth and transformation even as digital demands continue to evolve.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to unify the digital experience and place the consumer at the center of everything
- Why the consumer online platform isn’t “good enough” for small business, and how to meet new digital expectations with solutions and services built specifically them
- The competitive advantages that smaller banks and credit unions have against their larger competitors, even during the pandemic
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