9 of the Most Beautiful Brand Identities in Banking
They say the clothes don't make the man. That may be true, but most guys aren't going to get a date if they look like a slob. The same goes for brand identities. If your financial institution looks sad, frumpy, crusty and disheveled, you aren't going to make the right impression on consumers. You need to project the right image — one that is both contemporary and professional.
In the Digital Age, a bank or credit union with an old, dated brand identity can’t compete. You can’t convince anyone your institution is tech savvy if your brand image screams "1980s." Consumers today want to do business with financial institutions that are hip and innovative — banking providers that aren’t stuffy and traditional. You can leverage your brand identity to convince consumers that banking doesn’t have to be a boring chore.
Make no mistake: your financial institution’s brand identity is one of the most powerful (if not subtle) weapons in your marketing arsenal. Do not underestimate the impact your brand identity has — whether positive or negative — on people’s perceptions… and your bottom line.
Read More:
- 9 More Beautiful Integrated Brand Identities from Retail Banks
- 10 Branches Designed To Wow The Digital Banking Consumer
- 11 Tips For Building A World-Class Brand Identity
- How To: Brand Books For Retail Financial Institutions
Natwest Bank
Design Firm: Futurebrand (London)
Addiko Bank
Design Firm: Prophet (London, Berlin, Hong Kong)