Sponsored Articles


Work with The Financial Brand to create a guest post with insights from your CEO (or another senior leader of your choosing) ghost-written by our seasoned team of editorial professionals. Dynamic storytelling is what we do best, so let’s partner together and share your story on The Financial Brand’s website.

Using a combination of interviews and editorial research, we write and publish a compelling article on TheFinancialBrand.com with a byline attributed to your CEO (or other executive) — carefully crafted content that achieves your strategic objectives while remaining authentic to your brand.

An article is just the beginning. We also deliver all the elements you need to execute a complete content marketing campaign, including strategic consulting, cross-promotional and marketing recommendations, and production of the following assets/deliverables:

  • One 1,200-word thought-leadership article covering industry trends, challenges, or opportunities related to your business.
  • Marketing copy to promote your article in emails, including subject lines, teaser/preview text, and body copy.
  • Copy to promote your article in social media channels such as LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Additional headlines and copy options that can be leveraged in nearly any advertising medium or marketing channel.
  • Copy for a custom landing page on your website allowing prospects to download a PDF reprint of the article.

By two or more Sponsored Articles and save big — bulk discounts apply.


Interested in a Sponsored Article? Let’s talk!

If you're interested in partnering with The Financial Brand, simply fill out the form below and you'll get our 20-page PDF digital marketing kit.