Free Tour of All 11 ING DIRECT Branch Cafés in North America
If you’ve never had the opportunity to see one of ING DIRECT’s North American cafés, here’s your chance — 75 photos of the 7 US and 4 Canadian locations.
As you take the photo tour, it’s important to remember that ING DIRECT has a very unique retail strategy. When Arkadi Kuhlmann first started ING DIRECT, worried customers trekked to the online bank’s HQ just to make sure the bank wasn’t a scam. Kuhlmann figured if people were willing to drive from miles away just to make sure the place was legit, the least he could do was invite them in for a cup of coffee and answer any questions they had. Having learned the psychological value of physical locations, Kuhlmann’s concept grew into token "touchpoints" for the public that the bank calls "Cafés."
These cafes are definitely not branches. Visitors can’t perform any traditional teller-based cash transactions at ING DIRECT Cafes. The cafés primary purpose is to reassure consumers and build the brand. Guests are welcome to open an account online using ING computer terminals. Guests can get information about the bank products from the Cafe staff, pick out items from a wide range of ING DIRECT merchandise or just relax and enjoy a cup of fresh coffee while surfing the net on WiFi terminals.
"Don’t be a stranger, drop by and make yourself at home, and bring your Saver’s appetite."
Each location features a meeting space that can be used for bank-sponsored financial seminars, or by local community groups. Some locations have a dual purpose area that allows the bank to quickly and easily switch from café seating to seminar seating.
The cafés even have a small menu of eats and treats, all at reasonable prices. The cafés brew Peets Coffee & Teas everywhere except Hawaii, where the local Lion’s brand is preferred. Bright orange cups, mugs and straws are used to reinforce the brand.
If you want to take a deeper look at the ING DIRECT strategy, you should pick up a copy of The Orange Code, a book about the bank’s culture penned by Kuhlmann himself.
Key Takeaways
There is still strategic value in physical locations, even for an online/direct bank with a tech-savvy, self-service audience.
When you have a strong, focused, clearly-defined brand, there will be people who want to associate with it. Every item that people carry out of ING DIRECT’s locations bear the bank’s brand. Everyone who leaves the café essentially becomes a walking billboard for ING DIRECT.
Los Angeles
Corner of Santa Monica Blvd. and I-405
Monday – Friday 6:30AM to 4PM
Highlights: The bathrooms are enclosed in semi-translucent glass, so you can see people’s forms and shadows. The men’s room also features giant-sized Braille letters spelling out "I-N-G." Why? Who knows. The brilliant orange-and-blue ING-branded Harley parked along the traffic path between the entrance and espresso bar. The ING mountain bike. Big, frosted lettering on the windows that spell out "café." White, unfinished, industrial ceiling.
New York City
968 3rd at 58th Street
Monday – Friday 7AM to 6PM
Saturday 10AM to 6PM
Sunday 10AM to 6PM
The upstairs seating transforms from hip-and-swanky for evening events into a functional space for seminars during the day. There is an awesome display made from six ING mountain bikes that hangs in the massive two-story vestibule. The espresso/retail area feels like a New York deli. It looks gorgeous at night.
802 Delaware Avenue
Monday – Friday 7AM to 5:30PM
Highlight: The gorgeous blue-lit computer bar.
21 E. Chestnut Street
Monday – Friday 7AM to 7PM
Saturday 9AM to 5PM
Highlights: A giant "Orange Ball" meeting room. The brilliant orange-and-blue Harley parked next to the espresso bar.
1958 Kalakaua Avenue
Monday – Saturday 8AM to 8PM
Highlights: DJ sound booth inherited from Local Motion, the previous tenant. Huge retail wall with great ING garb. The bike shirts are especially cool. More about the Honolulu location here.
St. Cloud
30 7th Avenue South
Monday – Friday 6:30AM to 5PM
Highlight: There’s a smaller "Orange Ball" meeting space than in the Chicago location.
Corner of 17th and Walnut Streets
Monday – Friday 7AM to 7PM
Saturday 10AM to 7PM
Sunday 10AM to 5PM
111 Gordon Baker Road
North York, Ontario
Monday – Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday 10am-3pm
Closed Sundays and Holidays
466 Howe Street
Monday – Friday 9:30am-5:30pm
Saturdays 10:00am-4:00pm
Closed Sundays and Holidays
1141 boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal, Québec
Monday – Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-3pm
Closed Sundays and Holidays
600 6th Avenue SW
Monday – Friday 9am-5:30pm
Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays