Top 10 Articles of 2014

What subjects on The Financial Brand interested readers most last year? Digital marketing, big data, Millennials, branch design, onboarding and social media topped the list. Articles are divided into two categories: Marketing and Retail Strategies.

By Jeffry Pilcher

Published on January 5th, 2015 in Banking Trends

Top 10 Articles About Financial Marketing

digital_trends1. Digital Marketing Trends for Banks and Credit Unions

Leaders in the financial industry identify the critical online, digital, mobile and social media trends that are redefining marketers’ strategies and budgets.

cat2. Russia’s Biggest Bank Gives Free Cats To Mortgage Customers

Russia’s largest bank loaned out cats to customers who get a mortgage, with one caveat: customers didn’t get to keep the cute kitten.

big_data_banking3. Big Data: Profitability, Potential and Problems in Banking

60% of financial institutions believe big data offers a significant competitive advantage and 90% think it will define the winners in the future.

frost4. Frost Bank: One of the Most Beautiful Brands in Banking

Frost has one of the coolest brand identities in banking. This huge visual gallery with over 17 ideas has inspired thousands of readers.

10_brands5. Ten of the Best Banking Brands to Watch

Here is a collection of awesome and inspiring brands from banks and credit unions around the world that financial marketers can learn from.

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millennials6. Will Millennials Change Banking Forever?

Research reveals insights into the financial attitudes and banking preferences of the largest generation in history, and how you might need to rethink your Millennial strategy.

umpqua7. The Umpqua Bank Strategy

Umpqua went from $140 million to $25 billion in just over a decade. This keynote presentation from the Lani Hayward, CMO at Umpqua Bank, shows how they became one of the financial industry’s best brands.

ideas 8. 50 Questions About Your Bank’s Digital Marketing Future

50 practical questions to ask — with answers — when rethinking (or kick starting) your financial institution’s digital marketing strategy.

burglar9. Who Says Banks Don’t Have a Sense of Humor?

After a bandit made off with $26,000 of Idaho First’s money, the bank ran this hilarious and brilliant ad — opportunistic brand advertising at its best.

email10. Five Major Email Marketing Trends in Banking

You’ll probably change your email marketing strategy after looking at this data from millions of email campaigns in the banking industry.

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Top 10 Articles About Retail Strategies

crowdsourcing1. Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2014

Compiled from more than 60 global financial services leaders including bankers, credit union executives and industry analysts, this annual column is a perennial favorite.

becu2. 14 ‘Branch of the Future’ Designs

As transactions in bank and credit union branches continue to decline, financial organizations are looking for new ways to use space, insert new technologies, provide cross-channel integration and create a better customer experience.

mobile3. 20 Top Mobile Banking Apps

Expectations surrounding functionality within mobile banking apps are higher than ever, as consumers engage more and more with mobile and tablet devices. Here is the best of what The Financial Brand has seen.

Apple-Pay-Logo-Small4. Is Apple Pay a Banking Trojan Horse?

Apple Pay looks like a great collaboration between credit card companies, financial institutions and retailers… but there could still be some big losers.

cross_selling5. Seven Common Sense Ways to Increase Bank Cross-Selling

One of the easiest and most steady sources of new businesses and revenue is to reach out to current customers for additional business.

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insights6. 300 Mobile Payment and Digital Banking Trends

As banks and credit unions form their digital and mobile strategies, these trends and statistics will help set the foundation for success.

gap7. Minding The Gap in Social Banking Expectations

A study suggests financial institutions need to offer consumers more services on social media channels or suffer the consequences.

ibeacon8. Ten Ways iBeacon Can Improve Banking Sales & Service

Here’s how banks and credit unions can improve cross-selling and customer service by adding iBeacon technology to their branches.

dbr2299. 21 Steps to Onboarding Success in Banking

This report entitled ‘Guide to Multichannel Onboarding in Banking’ shares insights into starting and improving onboarding programs.

digital10. Financial Institutions Unprepared For Digital Future

As financial institutions retool around digital consumers, they need to reconfigure branch networks and enhance their digital capabilities.

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