20 Critical Questions About Retail Bank Marketing in 2013
It’s time for The Financial Brand to take the pulse of marketing across the retail banking sector. Want to know what’s on everyone’s minds in 2013? Then please participate in this important annual survey.
If you value the kind of the insights and information available in last year’s study, please participate in The Financial Brand’s 2013 Retail Financial Marketing Survey.
The survey is open to both banks and credit unions from around the world. There are 25 questions on a range of marketing topics relative to both banks and credit unions of all sizes. You don’t have to work in a marketing role to take the survey as long as you’re employed by a retail financial institution.
Subjects Covered in the Survey
- Basic info – Assets, number of branches and number of marketing employees for cross-tabulating results
- Strategic goals – What are your top priorities and the key products/services you’ll focus on in 2013?
- Growth – What was your checking/loan growth like in 2012? What are your expectations for 2013?
- Challenges – What are the biggest marketing issues you’ll face in the coming months?
- Measurement & Metrics – What tools do you use to measure success?
- Marketing Media & Brand Communications – What marketing tools and tactics will you be using in 2013? How do you build your brand?
- Marketing Vendors & Partners – What marketing services do you use vendors for?
- Online Marketing – What online, mobile and social tools do you use in a marketing capacity?
This year, The Financial Brand is collaborating with Aite Group Senior Analyst Ron Shevlin to analyze the data, and produce the series of articles. Respondents who complete a supplemental section of the survey on Marketing Analytics will receive a free copy of the Aite Group report that will be developed based on that section of the survey.
Why Take This Survey?
Why should you take this survey? Because it is the only one of its kind in the financial industry. With nearly every other financial marketing survey, you’d have to pay big bucks to get the results. But results from The Financial Brand’s study are published free for everyone right on the site. Similar studies look at only one side of banking or the other — banks or credit unions. The Financial Brand’s annual survey looks at both sides, allowing banks and credit unions to draw comparisons between one another. Furthermore, The Financial Brand’s study is free of any bias — there is no vendor agenda nor hidden sales angle. It is as objective a study as you’ll find anywhere in banking.
The value of this study increases for everyone when more people take the survey, which is why broad participation is so vitally important. Last year, 228 financial institutions completed the survey. This year, we’re shooting for 500.
Thank you very much, and here’s to a fantastic 2013!