Bank Branch Robbery Statistics for 2008

By Jeffry Pilcher

Published on October 28th, 2008 in Branch Strategies

Here’s the FBI’s latest data on robberies of financial institutions for the first three months of 2008.

Type of
Commercial bank1,39987.2%
Mutual savings bank321.9%
Savings and loan412.6%
Credit union1328.2%
Mode of Robbery#
Demand note used947
Firearm used405
Other firearm26
Other weapon used25
Weapon threatened702
Explosive device used or threatened52
Oral demand875
Vault or safe theft18
Deposit trap3
Till theft24
Type of AreaRobberies%
Small city or town54533.2%
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Alarm Systems

Alarm systems were installed and maintained in 96.2% of all institutions robbed. Of those, they were activated 92.7% of the time, meaning that in 61 robberies the alarm wasn’t activated. Thirteen times an alarm was activated but it didn’t work.

Key Question: In this day and age, how can any bank or credit union not have an alarm system (that works)?

Surveillance Cameras

Cameras were installed in all but 23 institutions that were robbed. In 44 instances, cameras were installed but not activated. Seven times cameras were installed but failed to capture the crime.

Loot Taken: $16 million

Loot Recovered: $2.3 million

Key Takeaways:

  • The presence of anti-robbery measures only reduces robberies — it does not prevent them.
  • Anti-robbery systems do not work all the time.
  • Expect robberies to increase sharply as the economy worsens.
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