Mastering Quantum Marketing in Banking
The financial marketing sector is going to encounter its biggest disruption yet: quantum marketing. Not sure what that entails yet? Jim Marous sat down with Mastercard’s chief marketing officer Raja Rajamannar discusses what bankers need to know.
FEATURING: Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing Officer of Mastercard
Marketing is at the center of a massive transformation, driven new technologies, real-time data analytics and major scientific advances that will power the future of the banking industry.
More than ever, we need a new framework for communication, engagement and loyalty. Financial marketers need to understand this new paradigm, and prepare to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead or risk becoming irrelevant or obsolete.
We are very fortunate to have Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing Officer at Mastercard and author of the book, ‘Quantum Marketing’ with us on the Banking Transformed podcast. He will discuss what marketers must do to prepare for a future where everything we once knew about marketing has changed.
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About the Banking Transformed Podcast
In each Banking Transformed podcast, host Jim Marous has candid conversations with the world’s foremost leaders on what it takes to transform financial institutions during an age of digital disruption. His guests discuss technology, channels, innovation, customer experience, leadership, culture and competitive forces that are changing the banking industry faster than ever before.
Digital Banking Report. The Digital Banking Report is a subscription-based publication that provides deep insights into the digitization of banking, with over 150 reports in the digital archive available to subscribers.
Named as one of the most influential people in banking, Jim Marous is an internationally recognized financial industry strategist, co-publisher of The Financial Brand and the owner and CEO of theAs a sought after keynote speaker, author and recognized authority on disruption in the financial services industry, Marous has been featured by CNBC and CNN, Cheddar, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, The Financial Times, The Economist, The American Banker and has spoken to audiences worldwide. Jim has also advised the White House on banking policy.