Most Credit Unions Using Facebook, But Some Say They’ll Quit
Nearly every credit union in the U.S. says it's using Facebook today, but one in 14 of those says they have plans to give it up.
Articles about social media in banking, including how banks leverage social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and more.
Bank marketers are increasingly flocking to streaming services as a way to advertise — but it's more than just a return to traditional TV ads.
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Nearly every credit union in the U.S. says it's using Facebook today, but one in 14 of those says they have plans to give it up.
This clever, two-phase promotion that crowdsources photos for future ad campaigns offers five lessons for financial marketers.
Is it wise for retail banks and credit unions to use social channels like Twitter and Facebook to resolve customer issues?
After studying banking online conversations, researchers found that 90% occurred in internet discussion forums, not social media platforms.
An interview with Brett King, CEO of Movenbank, and creator of the first credit score built in part on consumers' social media activity.
To build ‘Likes’ for its new Facebook page, the credit union hosted a contest that awarded $20,000 to local United Way chapters.
Over 66,000 votes were cast through Advantis' website and Facebook page, helping determine which charities received $50,000 in grants.
What are US consumers saying about banks in social media channels? And how can financial marketers best manage these conversations?
This in-depth Q&A interview explores the credit union's strategy, what works, what doesn't and why they created a new, full-time social media position.
Facebook sweepstakes will award a $2,500 cash grand prize and benefit select youth mentoring programs in eastern Massachusetts
Cisco has released findings from a broad, multi-channel study, gauging consumer preferences for branches, mobile, video and social.
This online discussion forum lets college-bound kids and parents field questions. Wells Fargo employees chime in too, but not to push loans.
This market study unveils comprehensive insights into current financial institution and account holder perceptions, as well as the greatest areas for potential that can be acted upon right now!
Read More about AI in Banking: New Market Study Unveils Top Use Cases
Today, people and businesses expect to make payments instantly. With the Federal Reserve’s FedNow® Service, financial institutions can enable their customers to do just that.
By segmenting marketing initiatives into age-based clusters, you can build a "trigger campaign" that hits Gen-Y with strategic precision.
This small Aussie credit union sole marketing person doesn't have time for social media. They get the most results from direct mail.
Bank of the West invites folks to nominate- and vote for their favorite bands in a Facebook-based contest. The winner will open for Huey Lewis this summer.
Success for a big social media experiment from a Canadian megabank hinges on submissions from the public. Will it work?
Barclaycard Ring MasterCard empowers cardmembers who will share in profits by influencing card decisions through social media.
Curious to see how banks have been using YouTube lately? Here’s a dozen examples of noteworthy videos uploaded by financial institutions.
3 in 5 users don't follow any brands on any social networks. 60% have never mentioned a single brand in social channels.
73% of people view branches as a primary link to their bank, 60% are wary of social channels and 40% are annoyed by how difficult banking is.
Take a look at how this $500 million credit union's five-person marketing department handles advertising, direct mail, social media and more.
A series of infographics created by The Financial Brand put Facebook's complete and utter dominance of the social media landscape in perspective.
Learn what it takes to protect your credit union from fraud across all digital fronts.
Read More about Five strategies to mitigate fraud now and in the future
To achieve your growth goals in the year ahead, you'll need to find big ideas and unleash new innovations. But you should start building your budget here first.
Read More about One Thing Every Financial Marketer Must Put in Their Budget Right Now