The Top 400 Banks on Twitter

The Financial Brand tracks 400 English-speaking retail banks on Twitter. This list represents nearly all such banks, with a handful of exceptions here and there.

What does the typical bank on Twitter look like? They have around 250 followers, and pump out a tweet about every week or so.

Aggregating the data reveals that fewer than one million people are following retail banks on Twitter, and banks only follow one quarter of those people back. Subtract the quarter million people following AmEx and and banks are only reaching a collective audience of 467,410 people. That barely equates to 0.15% of the entire US population. BofA alone has a customer base 110x that size. Subtract 16,500 followers from the 65 banks (16.3%) that haven’t tweeted in over one year. And many of a bank’s followers are industry peers — consultants, vendors, the trade media and other banks. Keep in mind, financial institutions have been on Twitter since at least 2008; we’re well into the banking industry’s third year on the social platform now.

Here’s the rest of the stats for the 400 retail banks on Twitter and how they all break down.


  • Banks with less than 200 followers: 188 (47%)
  • Banks with more than 1,000 followers: 40 (19.8%)
  • Banks with more than 5,000 followers: 27 (6.8%)
  • Number of people following banks on Twitter: 713,744
    (246,334 or 35% of which are attributed to AmEx, arguably not a retail bank)
  • Average number of followers per bank: 1,784
  • Mean number of followers: 222


  • Banks following no one: 43 (10.8%)
  • Banks following 10 people or less: 102 (25.5%)
  • Banks following fewer than 200 people: 275 (68.8%)
  • Banks following 1,000 people or more: 40 (10%)
  • Mean number of people followed: 64


  • Banks with 10 tweets or less: 53 (13.3%)
  • Banks sending over 1,000 tweets total: 58 (14.5%)
  • Total tweets sent by 400 English-speaking banks: 363,344
  • Average number of tweets sent per bank: 908
  • Mean number of tweets sent: 195


  • Banks who tweeted in the last 2 hours: 78 (19.5%)
  • Banks who tweeted in the last 24 hours: 166 (41.5%)
  • Banks who tweeted in the last week: 238 (59.5%)
  • Banks who haven’t tweeted in a month or more: 121 (30.3%)
  • Banks who haven’t tweeted in over a year: 65 (16.3%)
  • Banks who have never sent a tweet: 15 (3.8%)
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
1 AmEx AmericanExpress 197,056 17,208 9,992 1 hour
2 AmEx OPENForum 49,278 2,001 4,775 1 hour
3 BofA BofA_Community 31,016 73 295 2 hours
4 Chase ChaseGiving 22,184 17 113 1 day
5 USAA usaa 20,460 7,481 1,357 1 day
6 ING Direct INGDIRECT 18,922 9,713 3,077 1 day
7 BofA BofA_Help 17,868 15,850 48,106 1 hour
8 Wells Fargo WellsFargo 12,957 31 575 1 day
9 BofA BofA_Careers 12,333 531 5,042 1 hour
10 AmEx AskAmex 11,922 37 24,883 1 hour
11 Citi Citi 10,034 4,428 2,788 1 hour
12 Wachovia Wachovia 9,754 7,120 8,186 1 day
13 Wells Fargo Aks_WellsFargo 8,900 7,829 20,317 1 hour
14 Westpac westpac 7,219 705 2,642 1 hour
15 MasterCard MasterCardNews 7,053 1,329 2,151 1 day
16 BofA BofA_News 6,980 55 295 1 week
17 NAB NAB 6,768 1,946 3,706 1 hour
18 Deutsche Deutsche_News 6,609 506 1,018 2 hours
19 ING Direct CEO_INGDIRECT 6,523 1,097 4,310 1 hour
20 Barclays BarclaysWealth 6,377 17 1,494 1 hour
21 Commonweatlh NetBank 6,093 1,333 1,886 2 hours
22 Citi AskCiti 6,077 6,497 8,590 1 hour
23 TD TD_Canada 6,055 4,711 3,693 1 hour
24 Guaranty Trust gtbank 5,800 14 2,299 2 days
25 Pinnacle PinnacleBankSC 5,480 5,543 1,553 1 hour
26 RBC RBC 5,464 629 476 1 day
27 UBank Ubank 4,522 4,358 3,203 1 day
28 USAA USAA_help 4,498 1,210 1,881 1 hour
29 Banco Sabadell BancoSabadell 4,483 1,475 8,945 4 hours
30 Citi CitiJobs 4,478 3,855 688 1 day
31 TD TDBank_US 4,271 3,802 7,909 1 hour
32 Standard StandardBankGrp 4,217 2,908 7,967 1 hour
33 Barclays BarclaysCycle 4,216 56 137 1 hour
34 ING Direct SuperStarSaver 3,885 3,647 3,739 4 hours
35 ASB ASBBank 3,859 2,597 3,597 6 hours
36 FNB Rbjacobs 3,720 2,259 14,069 1 hour
37 Halifax Halifax_Online 3,655 2,147 3,573 2 hours
38 Grameen grameenbank 3,468 0 1 2 years
39 Lloyds TSB LloydsTSBOnline 3,323 1,020 3,032 1 hour
40 ICICI ICICIBank_Care 3,231 2,243 5,807 2 hours
41 Citi citibankaus 3,056 3,147 428 1 day
42 Barclays wealthinsights 2,895 1 443 1 week
43 ANZ anzmoneymanager 2,642 2,160 359 1 month
44 North Shore NorthShoreBank 2,572 1,507 2,893 1 hour
45 First Direct first_direct 2,530 670 929 1 day
46 Wells Fargo WellsFargoBank 2,368 0 0 never
47 Ally AllyBank 2,276 489 4,844 1 hour
48 Arvest ArvestBank 2,249 34 1,135 1 day
49 CIBC CIBCnews 2,246 7 582 1 hour
50 Barclays BarclaysStockbroker 2,215 54 371 3 days
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
51 PNC PNCVWallet 2,179 2,184 1,254 1 hour
52 Aegon aegonbank 2,168 1,417 1,701 6 hours
53 Kiwibank KiwibankNZ 2,126 1,866 1,361 1 day
54 PNC PNCNews 2,103 33 1,189 1 day
55 CapitalOne AskCapitalOne 2,039 923 3,697 1 hour
56 SunTrust AskSunTrust 2,008 624 17,441 1 hour
57 Umpqua umpquabank 1,972 44 1,908 1 day
58 Gulf Gulf_Bank 1,887 1,336 1,133 1 hour
59 BMO BMO 1,882 315 1,264 1 hour
60 Bank of the West BankoftheWestCI 1,858 323 744 3 weeks
61 Barclays BarclaycardNews 1,829 680 1,180 2 hours
62 BofA BofA_Tips 1,827 85 343 1 week
63 Bank of Oklahoma BankofOklahoma 1,808 1,580 913 1 day
64 Union First WeBankAtUnion 1,689 674 3,398 1 hour
65 Webster WebsterBank 1,661 1,500 1,212 1 hour
66 1st Mariner 1stMarinerBank 1,639 446 1,768 1 day
67 BBVA Compass bbvacompass 1,625 3 1,816 1 hour
68 SunTrust livesolid 1,594 1,987 2,007 1 hour
69 Citi Citi_Forward 1,572 230 342 1 year
70 Foster FosterBank 1,517 1,246 57 2 weeks
71 SunTrust SunTrust 1,486 49 264 1 day
72 ABN AMRO ABNAMROTV 1,334 1 400 1 week
73 Winbank winbank_tweets 1,287 1,027 463 5 hours
74 Fidelity Fidelity_Bank 1,247 230 217 4 hours
75 BMO BMOCM 1,107 2 543 2 days
76 RBC RBC_Online_Bkg 1,071 11 127 1 hour
77 M&T MandT_Bank 1,063 835 322 1 day
78 Ally ally 1,008 655 257 1 day
79 Citizens CitizensBank 1,000 987 1,524 1 hour
80 Rabo Direct RaboDirectAU 990 590 811 1 day
81 HSBC hsbc_uk_press 972 503 208 1 day
82 Venture venturebank 961 1,097 576 1 day
83 Chase ChasePaymentech 951 45 106 1 month
84 Bremer BremerBank 948 542 1,451 4 hours
85 CapFed CapFed 943 933 1,204 1 day
86 People’s Choice peopleschoiceAU 896 87 288 1 month
87 St. George stgeorgecareers 866 884 262 1 year
88 Susquehanna SusquehannaBank 861 507 744 1 hour
89 Bank of Queensland BOQ 844 527 373 1 day
90 Citi CitiGTS 842 988 616 1 week
91 Bank of Melbourne BankofMelb 830 350 1,496 1 day
92 DBS dbsbank 821 176 83 2 weeks
93 First Tennessee FirstTennessee 811 35 600 1 day
94 Northeast Northeast_Bank 807 36 227 3 weeks
95 First Federal firstfederal 798 466 421 6 months
96 Citizens Citizens_Bank 771 0 0 never
97 e3 e3bank 757 492 127 5 months
98 ANZ ANZ_AU 751 777 378 1 hour
99 UMB UMBFinancial 750 1 696 1 month
100 Home Street HomeStreetBank 747 435 373 2 days
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
101 State Bank of CP statebankofcp 742 702 1,052 1 day
102 Rabo Direct RaboDirectNZ 737 18 323 3 months
103 Metro Metro_Bank 724 932 302 2 hours
104 Virgin Money VirginMoneyAU 709 426 150 1 day
105 Landmark landmarkbank 708 995 950 1 hour
106 First American BankFAB 705 165 283 1 month
107 Royal Bank America SpurTheEconomy 702 401 319 2 weeks
108 Beneficial BeneficialBank 693 796 711 1 hour
109 Huntington Huntington_Bank 670 361 262 1 hour
110 Peoples State peopleswi 667 215 810 1 day
111 ING Direct INGDIRECTAUS 665 117 94 1 day
112 Barclays BarCorp_News 626 136 118 3 days
113 RBC rbcbank 608 668 578 1 day
114 Bank of Scotland BankofScot_help 603 356 492 2 hours
115 Bank of Ann Arbor bankofannarbor 588 275 439 1 day
116 Rabo Direct RaboDirectIE 564 76 296 2 weeks
117 Enterprise EnterpriseBan 563 387 130 3 months
118 Zions ZionsBank 561 126 690 1 hour
119 Fifth Third FifthThird 554 0 7 2 months
120 Bank Altantic BankAtlantic 548 407 617 3 hours
121 Chesapeake chesbank 536 54 126 1 day
122 Commerce Bank TNCommerceBank 532 808 794 1 month
123 First GREEN Bank FirstGREENBank 525 143 142 1 day
124 Paducah PaducahBank 512 1 69 2 months
125 ING Direct FeeTweeter 504 313 82 2 years
126 Northwest Savings NWSB 503 374 282 1 day
127 Monadnock MonadnockBank 486 454 532 1 month
128 Hampshire First HampshireFirst 478 424 181 1 week
129 KeyBank KeyBank_Help 464 157 375 2 hours
130 Suncorp SuncorpBank 462 4 0 never
131 Square1 Square1Bank 440 357 123 2 days
132 Five Star fivestarbank 438 262 457 1 week
133 Colorado Bank colobank 433 19 384 2 weeks
134 Air Bank Air_Bank 431 0 66 1 week
135 Westpac Westpac_help 419 1 2 2 years
136 ShoreBank SBPacific 418 180 283 6 months
137 Sun National SunNationalBank 416 886 330 2 hours
138 Citizens citizensbanker 407 335 273 3 years
139 Bank of Commerce bankofcommerce 402 835 702 1 hour
140 Orrstown OrrstownBank 395 42 249 1 week
141 Celtic CelticBank 392 713 646 2 months
142 Hancock HancockBank 387 2 7 2 years
143 Nittany NittanyBank 384 271 143 2 weeks
144 Gate City GateCityBank 383 271 331 2 weeks
145 Happy State HappyStateBank 380 61 317 1 week
146 Standard Chartered StanChartUAE 374 114 957 1 day
147 National Coop Bank coopbanking 368 105 249 1 hour
148 Mercantile MercBank 368 288 644 3 hours
149 Barrington BarringtonBank 365 538 64 2 weeks
150 RBC rbcinnovator 365 31 496 1 month
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
151 Union UnionBank 362 113 129 2 months
152 First Independent firstindy 360 302 408 2 days
153 3rd Federal 3rdFederalBank 354 374 243 1 day
154 Lake Forest LakeForestBank 345 503 72 2 weeks
155 HomeTown HomeTownBankVa 342 471 241 2 months
156 BMO BMOmedia 341 2 246 2 days
157 Standard StandardBanks 339 533 1,625 1 day
158 Marquette Bank MarquetteBank 332 0 298 2 days
159 Beach Bank beachbank 330 164 753 1 day
160 Bank Hawaii bankhawaii 329 64 136 2 days
161 First Niagara firstniagara 326 160 148 3 weeks
162 First Community FirstCommunity 324 238 242 1 week
163 Nicolet NicoletMortgage 321 0 201 1 week
164 Hinsdale HinsdaleBank 321 420 95 2 weeks
165 Washington Fed WaFed 320 137 382 1 day
166 Renasant renasant 316 75 121 2 days
167 Callaway CallawayBank 300 530 804 1 day
168 Legacy LegacyBank 296 444 264 1 day
169 Horizon Horizon_Bank 294 594 454 1 hour
170 Choice choicebank 293 197 326 3 weeks
171 Texas First texasfirstbank 291 237 717 1 day
172 Independent IndependentBank 286 212 785 1 hour
173 Libertyville LibertyvilleBnk 283 461 61 2 weeks
174 Anchor AnchorBank 282 70 766 1 hour
175 Pan American PanAmericanBank 275 244 846 1 day
176 Wash. Savings WashSavingsBank 274 742 817 1 hour
177 St. Charles BankStCharles 271 499 79 2 weeks
178 Lead Bank Lead_Bank 269 73 19 3 months
179 Forcht ForchtBank 257 137 315 1 day
180 Centennial MY100BANK 255 1 76 5 months
181 Ohio Valley OhioValleyBank 251 83 287 1 hour
182 Peoples ThePeoplesBank 250 73 258 1 month
183 New Resource NewResourceBank 250 0 3 2 months
184 Secure Trust Securetrustbank 247 92 43 2 years
185 Worthington WorthingtonBank 243 154 362 1 day
186 Crystal Lake CrystalLakeBank 243 481 59 2 weeks
187 WaterStone WaterStoneBank 242 77 201 2 days
188 Salem Five SalemFive 241 141 438 1 hour
189 Gorham Savings GSBMaine 241 171 478 3 hours
190 Community First CFBK 241 53 238 1 week
191 Johnson Bank JohnsonBank 240 163 102 2 weeks
192 Viking VikingBank 237 35 185 1 day
193 First Security FirstSecurityMT 235 106 82 1 month
194 Washington Trust Watrustbank 233 40 168 3 months
195 Associated AssociatedBank 232 441 312 1 day
196 Illinois State Bank ILStateBank 228 77 150 1 month
197 Sterling SterlingBank 227 0 0 never
198 First National FNBSF 226 83 694 1 hour
199 NexTier NexTier 223 235 294 1 day
200 Stoneham StonehamBank 222 122 207 1 week
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
201 Village BankAtVillage 221 495 83 2 weeks
202 Monarch Community monarchcb 220 38 358 1 day
203 Ossian State OssianStateBank 220 10 38 1 month
204 Live Oak LiveOakBank 218 140 261 2 days
205 1st State 1stStateBank 215 14 1 2 years
206 Seacoast Seacoastnb 213 43 742 1 day
207 FNB FNBMWC 207 141 231 1 week
208 Old Missouri oldmissouribank 206 394 305 1 week
209 Columbia TheColumbiaBank 206 0 212 3 weeks
210 Gulf Coast Comm. MYGULFBANK 206 22 52 1 year
211 Liberty Bank MyLibertyBank 204 82 117 2 weeks
212 First Federal FirstFederalSB 199 52 132 1 day
213 Mechanics mechanicsbank 197 183 152 1 week
214 Baylake BaylakeBank 195 81 176 2 days
215 Suburban sbtTweets 194 92 942 1 day
216 OCBC frankbyocbc 192 72 647 1 day
217 Bank of the SW bankofsw 189 76 6 2 years
218 Hawaii National hawaiinational 185 43 147 1 month
219 ING Direct charles_writes 185 96 453 4 months
220 First Bank bankthewayulive 184 144 120 1 year
221 Peoples United PeoplesUnited 183 81 213 1 day
222 First Federal FFSB 181 0 174 1 day
223 Synovus synovus 181 0 0 never
224 Carolina Alliance CABankNews 180 157 1,159 1 day
225 National Bank NBKC 180 12 141 2 days
226 Community First CFBank1 178 59 32 1 month
227 MB Financial mbfinancialbank 175 177 372 1 hour
228 BofA BofA_Speakers 175 0 66 1 year
229 ATB atbfinancial 174 203 124 1 day
230 Bank of Luxemburg BankOfLuxemburg 172 164 287 1 week
231 River Valley RiverValleyBank 171 30 20 1 hour
232 First Federal FirstFederalFL 170 29 231 1 week
233 First National FirstNationalIA 168 11 5 6 months
234 Kansas Fidelity KSfidelitybank 168 36 1 2 years
235 Sound Community SoundCommunity 168 10 0 n/a
236 Nicolet NicoletBank 166 8 23 6 months
237 Chemical ChemicalBank 165 95 252 2 days
238 City Bank citybanktexas 164 0 187 1 day
239 Belmont BelmontSavings 163 162 191 2 days
240 Home Federal homefederalbank 160 33 147 1 day
241 Cheviot Savings cheviotsavings 160 38 76 1 week
242 The Bank TheBankOnline 160 0 154 1 month
243 Family Bank FamilyBankKenya 157 7 198 2 days
244 Wynnewood State sbwok 156 102 2,728 1 hour
245 Avidia AvidiaBank 156 97 488 2 hours
246 Peach State peachstatebank 156 5 33 1 year
247 Baytree BaytreeBank 155 209 330 3 hours
248 Arvest Arvest_Bank 154 0 3 2 years
249 Vision Bank VBOK 153 86 186 1 week
250 Northbrook NorthbrookBank 153 31 84 1 week
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
251 Pilgrim PilgrimBank 152 7 826 1 day
252 Midstate Federal MidstateFederal 149 88 300 1 day
253 Bendigo BendigoWealth 148 204 36 1 week
254 Gulf Coast Bank GulfCoastBank 148 14 21 1 month
255 Coulee CouleeBank 146 147 261 1 hour
256 First Cherokee Acru 145 35 95 1 week
257 Horicon horiconbank 145 164 341 3 weeks
258 Prairie BankPrairie 144 188 57 1 month
259 Peoples ptsbank 143 49 251 2 hours
260 North Jersey NJCBank 143 207 214 1 day
261 American Fork BankAF 141 81 190 2 days
262 Peoples BankAtPeoples 140 103 195 1 hour
263 Bank of Springfield bankwithBOS 140 0 381 1 day
264 NSC NSCBank 140 23 64 2 weeks
265 Citizens Bank citizensardmore 140 13 43 3 months
266 First National fnbsotx 138 43 61 3 months
267 First Montana FirstMontana 131 70 167 1 week
268 Community State CSBtweets 131 50 118 2 weeks
269 United Community ucbankmn 130 21 215 2 days
270 Citizens National cnbsomerset 130 18 125 1 week
271 Pinnacle PinnacleBank 128 66 132 1 hour
272 Community Trust CommunityTrustB 128 56 163 1 week
273 Old Plank OldPlankBank 127 45 74 2 weeks
274 Regent regentbank 126 73 23 2 years
275 Jeff Davis Bank jeffdavisbank 125 18 179 1 week
276 First Community firstcbt 124 4 163 1 day
277 Richwood RichwoodBank 124 53 101 1 week
278 Community Bank CBdotNet 124 0 48 3 weeks
279 F&M myfmbank 123 2 371 2 weeks
280 CNB cnbbankdirect 121 63 195 2 days
281 Alliance Alliance_Bank 121 6 55 4 months
282 Bank of Cashton bankofcashton 121 1 2 2 years
283 Washington Trust watrust 120 156 420 1 day
284 Citizens Citizensstatebk 120 14 238 1 day
285 First National OKFNB 118 5 84 3 months
286 Community First CommFirstBank 118 23 44 2 years
287 First National e_fnb 116 60 277 1 hour
288 BSNB BSNB 115 32 85 2 days
289 Reliant ReliantBank 115 0 18 2 years
290 Amcore AMCORE_Bank 114 0 0 never
291 Metairie Metairie_Bank 113 2 7 1 week
292 First National FNBNewton 113 0 63 1 month
293 Beverly theBeverlyBank 112 22 87 2 weeks
294 Missouri missouribank 111 86 37 2 weeks
295 Bank of Napa BankofNapa 111 1 63 3 weeks
296 UFB Direct UFBDirect 111 9 10 2 years
297 Clear Mountain ClearMtBank 109 26 95 3 days
298 First State firststatetexas 108 91 62 2 weeks
299 Northwoods northwoodsbank 108 53 59 2 months
300 Bank of Elk River TheBankofER 108 4 2 2 years
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
301 Century Century_Bank 107 0 37 2 hours
302 First Victoria firstvictoria 107 44 19 1 year
303 Citizens CitizensAda 106 8 222 1 day
304 FNB FNBAlaska 105 1 10 1 year
305 FNB FNBBerryville 104 7 6 1 year
306 Machias MachiasSavings 103 70 280 1 hour
307 Union Community unioncommbank 103 34 412 1 hour
308 Farmer State farmerstatebank 103 18 66 2 weeks
309 Franlin Savings FSB_Maine 102 9 163 1 week
310 Redwood Capital RedwoodCapital 102 22 79 2 months
311 Bruning State BruningStBank 99 5 80 1 hour
312 Voyager VoyagerBank 99 69 70 2 hours
313 Alpine bankalpine 99 0 1 2 years
314 First Security FirstSecurityBa 98 154 332 2 weeks
315 Town Bank TownBankUS 98 101 105 2 weeks
316 Citizens citizensbankrb 98 12 306 2 weeks
317 First National FNB_Muscatine 95 13 181 1 day
318 Cambridge Savings CSBinspired 94 140 321 1 hour
319 Abington AbingtonBank 94 6 205 1 day
320 Lincoln Savings MyLSB 94 14 39 2 days
321 First Harrison FirstHarrison 93 9 51 1 week
322 PNA PNABank 93 0 53 8 months
323 AmBank AmBank 93 1 4 1 year
324 Waumandee State waumandeebank 92 38 633 2 hours
325 Capital CapitalBankGA 92 5 40 1 month
326 First National FNBT 92 11 7 2 years
327 First Security FSBNV 91 1 2 2 years
328 Belmont BelmontBank 88 0 83 3 weeks
329 Beverly National BevNatBank 88 2 8 2 years
330 Middleton MiddletonBank 88 32 0 never
331 Metro National gladwemet 87 0 5 2 years
332 Bank of Urbana bankofurbana 86 18 171 1 week
333 First Guaranty FirstGuaranty 84 0 27 6 months
334 Point Loma PointLomaBank 84 76 103 2 years
335 Fifth Third Ryanat53 83 0 660 1 hour
336 1st Mariner FirstAccess 83 2 10 2 years
337 Start Community StartComBank 82 10 71 1 week
338 Solera solerabank 81 122 71 1 week
339 1st Oklahoma 1stOklahomaBank 81 26 1 2 years
340 Hastings City HastingsCtyBank 80 0 66 1 week
341 First State KeysBank 78 17 70 2 weeks
342 Reliabank Reliabank 78 15 32 6 months
343 Columbia Comm. banklocally 78 9 11 1 year
344 First Community FCBOHIO 78 0 1 2 years
345 TruPoint TruPointBank 77 84 135 1 week
346 uBank ubankSA 76 22 14 1 year
347 Boone County boonebank 74 17 155 2 days
348 Baker Boyer BakerBoyerBank 74 7 23 2 months
349 SIS banksisonline 73 4 177 2 hours
350 Charter Oak charteroakbank 73 23 93 7 months
Bank Account Followers Following Tweets Last Tweet
351 Planters PlantersBank 73 31 0 n/a
352 Peoples PeoplesBank 70 33 132 2 days
353 First State FirstStateBank 70 8 275 3 weeks
354 Commerce CommBankCKTM 69 16 152 1 week
355 Community Bank CBBCNJ 69 0 1 1 year
356 Lincoln Park LincolnParkBank 68 356 10 2 weeks
357 Citizens State csbtx 68 8 0 n/a
358 First Community FCMLENDING 66 42 110 1 day
359 Rabo Direct RaboDirect 65 34 28 1 month
360 First Capital fcbanker 65 0 163 1 month
361 Sonoran SonoranBank 65 45 137 1 year
362 Banc First BancFirstOK 64 12 2 4 months
363 ING Direct ING_CompareMe 64 40 24 2 years
364 Independence 1776Bank 62 49 72 2 days
365 Mainstreet MainstreetBank 62 24 274 2 months
366 Fahey FaheyBank 61 38 57 1 day
367 Springfield Com. SFCbank 60 0 2 1 year
368 FNBO Direct fnbodirect 59 10 12 2 years
369 River Bank River_Bank 59 1 1 2 years
370 Centennial Centbank 59 0 6 2 years
371 West Plains WestPlainsBank 58 5 242 1 day
372 Conestoga ConestogaBank 57 76 20 1 day
373 Watertown BankOfWatertown 55 61 344 1 week
374 Northrim northrimbank 55 4 2 1 month
375 Franklin County fcbankva 49 3 25 5 months
376 First Financial FFBTexas 48 0 1 2 years
377 New Horizon NewHorizonBank 47 47 11 1 month
378 Heartland heartlandbank 47 0 0 n/a
379 1st Midwest 1stMidwestBank 44 6 178 1 day
380 Wolverine WolverineBank 44 38 112 1 week
381 Biddeford biddeford 41 7 80 2 weeks
382 United UnitedBankMI 40 2 80 2 weeks
383 Huntington Bank_With_HNB 40 0 1 1 year
384 Quatum National QuantumNatlBank 38 25 66 1 week
385 First Hope FirstHopeBank 37 10 91 1 day
386 Comm. National ComNatBankVT 35 24 26 2 days
387 FAB&T ilovecash 35 17 31 1 year
388 Standard SBandTrustCo 35 0 2 1 year
389 Bank of Pontiac bankofpontiacil 34 3 226 2 days
390 United of Union unitedbankunion 34 1 69 1 week
391 First Security FSBNV_HomeLoans 23 7 28 2 years
392 Affinity AffinityBank 22 29 77 2 hours
393 3rd Federal 3rdFred 22 0 60 2 days
394 Bank Texas BankTexas 21 2 6 5 months
395 Citizens Tri-Co. CTCBonline 19 0 3 5 months
396 Macon Bank maconbank 13 0 0 never
397 Community Bank communitybank 11 1 0 never
398 First Merit FirstMerit 10 57 1 n/a
399 Pathway Pathway_Bank 3 0 0 never
400 First Financial FFINTexas 1 0 0 never

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