Card Swipes Score Cash For Texas Schools, Courtesy Of Credit Union

Assisting cash-strapped schools, Texas Trust Credit Union has donated more than $60,000 to four area school districts since August 2011 as part of its Spirit Debit Reward program. Schools earn 15 cents every time a Spirit Debit Reward card is used to make a purchase. Cardholder transactions have exceeded 405,000 so far.

The Spirit Debit Reward program was launched last year as a way to help area schools that are facing tight budgets. Participating schools receive a check at the end of each month, based on the number of transactions swiped from their school-specific Debit Reward Card. Schools get to choose how to use the money they earn.

Within the four school districts that have a Texas Trust Spirit Debit Reward card, there are 11 high schools and two administrations participating. Cardholders and schools can track how much money is being raised from the Spirit Debit Reward Card for their designated school on the Spirit Rewards Meter at Grand Prairie ISD has earned $22,866 to date, Mansfield ISD $16,675, Cedar Hill ISD $15,643 and Athens ISD $5,855.

“The money we earned from the Spirit Debit Reward Card allowed us to provide student planners, which would have otherwise been cut,” said Tammy Mariani, Principal at Cedar Hill High School. “Texas Trust has given us an easy way to raise money without requiring students to sell candy bars or wrapping paper.”

Texas Trust Credit Union’s “Our Spirit In Action” Microsite

More Than Just Lip Service to Schools

The Spirit Debit Reward Card is part of Texas Trust’s Spirit in Action campaign, which supports schools in several ways. They have a financial education curriculum for high school students, including financial literacy workshops for students, teachers, administrators and the community. The credit union provides volunteers for school-related activities. They make financial donations, and help students out with scholarships.

More broadly, credit union members can earn rewards for designated schools when opening a checking account or taking out an auto loan, personal loan, or mortgage. In 2011, Texas Trust donated a total of more than $150,000 to participating schools, including $20,000 in student scholarships.

Texas Trust has $726 million in assets and eight branches serving 58,000 members in the Dallas area.

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