As your financial institution prepares for the impending Great Wealth Transfer, ensuring that your digital strategy appeals to younger generations is essential. Read More about Key Digital Imperatives for Gen Z and Millennials YouGov surveyed thousands of Americans to understand which banks are attracting new customers and whose clientele are the most satisfied. Download the report. Read More about YouGov US Bank Rankings 2024: Satisfaction & SwitchersKey Digital Imperatives for Gen Z and Millennials
YouGov US Bank Rankings 2024: Satisfaction & Switchers
$1.37 trillion
The net worth of America’s 400 richest people, up 8% in 2010.
15 million
people don’t have a job, equal to the population of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago combined.
3 million more have just stopped looking for jobs after a year because they can’t find one.
— NPR/Bureau of Labor Statistics
1 in 7
The number of poor people estimated in the US.
— US Census
1 million
The number of American households likely to lose their homes this year.
— RealtyTrack
2.3 million
The number of homes repossessed by lenders since the recession began in December 2007.
— RealtyTrack
The number of properties receiving a foreclosure-related warning in August 2010. That’s one in every 381 homes.
— RealtyTrack
Number of properties repossessed by banks in August 2010.
— RealtyTrack
The percentage of 1.3 million homeowners who have dropped out of the US government’s HAMP mortgage mod program. Only 15% of them have advanced to actual foreclosure.
— US Gov’t
Consumers who say its okay to walk away from a home loan. Another 17% said it depends on the circumstances.
— Pew Research Center
The number of mortgage modifications BofA claims to have completed, including 80,000 in August alone.
— Bank of America