Datahead: Facts From Around the Financial Industry
The financial services industry shares an 11%
positive rating with the tobacco industry.
— Harris Interactive
41% of community bankers said they feel the financial crisis has better positioned their institutions to compete against larger banks.
11% said the financial crisis has "significantly" curtailed their institution’s ability to lend.
42% of banks have seen a decrease in their lending activity.
— Aite Group on behalf of the ICBA
31% of financial executives have received no salary increase.
— Financial Executives International/CFO Magazine
32% of adults said that they have no savings at all.
48% of Gen-Y said they had no savings.
— National Assoc. for Credit Counseling
93% of people think they’re doing a fair job or better at managing their finances.
5% of people think they’re doing a poor job.
— Allstate-National Journal Heartland Monitor
90% of consumers don’t know what is included in their credit report.
52% don’t know what factors determine their credit score.