Digital Blind Spots Kill Financial Institution CX on Every Front
How easily can people find answers on your website, mobile app and on the phone? Slower than fast is fatal for banks and credit unions.
Articles and trends affecting the customer experience in banking, including digital CX, customer engagement, personalization, chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer journey strategies.
Bain & Company, Kantar and Qualtrics have collaborated to develop a new set of customer experience standards they hope can serve as a universal benchmark for CX excellence across industries.
How easily can people find answers on your website, mobile app and on the phone? Slower than fast is fatal for banks and credit unions.
The first should be clear: 'Digital Rules.' But human interaction, delivered in new ways, is also crucial for improved customer experience.
Sending surveys for a reading on the consumers you serve might seem ill-timed during the pandemic. But people like being checked up on.
Few banks or credit unions, or even challenger banks, use digital personalization the way Big Tech firms do. Here's how to close the gap.
Consumers don't act rationally with money during chaotic times, says author Dan Ariely. Understanding the psychology behind these customers is critical.
With branch access limited and customer questions swelling, mobile chat with the bank's personal bankers has jumped sharply.
Head of digital banking Jamie Warder says KeyBank is quickly becoming a digital bank, although it still supports digital channels. How are they accomplishing it?
Impact hits training, technology, resilience and operations as consumers seek answers. Home-based agents and gig workers are two options.
Efficient and seamless digital transactions are not the goal, but the starting point for personalized banking, including branch experiences.
Personalized experiences — regardless of the channel — is critical to banking's digital transformation, says Personetics' Jody Bhagat. But, there is a massive gap in the banking industry.
By using the data they already possess, banks and credit unions can create the kind of orchestrated customer journey consumers expect.
Five experts identify the roadblocks to great customer experience as well as the cultural, digital and data-related means to overcome them.
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Partnerships are becoming a core competency for banks and credit unions. Five steps will help ensure a successful collaboration.
Many customer experience projects exist in banks and credit unions, but few use the data strategically. That oversight could be costly.
No strategy, poor execution and even 'algorithmic hacking' can doom banking efforts to personalize marketing via artificial intelligence.
The customer experience is the crux of a traditional financial institution's strategy. However, author and futurist Blake Morgan says banks and credit unions need to walk more than they talk, and understand what customers need.
While modern payment methods better suit consumer needs, bank and credit union financial marketers must help them make a major transition.
Consumers no longer base their loyalty on price or product, but instead on the experience they receive from their bank or credit union.
Here are some of the advanced features that can have a big impact on bank and credit union success, including examples of actual apps.
Banks aren't meeting minimal digital CX expectations. This requires using data and advanced analytics to become a better financial partner.
BNP Paribas COO Sophie Heller talks about personalization, how innovation labs don't work, and why big tech banking isn't a slam dunk.
BNP Paribas is navigating an open banking environment, just as any financial institution should. Its chief operating officer Sophie Heller explains how banks can launch similar integrated operating models.
Learn what it takes to protect your credit union from fraud across all digital fronts.
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