The Future of Bank Branches
"The Future of Branches" is another presentation by Jeffry Pilcher, Publisher of The Financial Brand and President/ICONiQ. It takes a look at trends in retail branch design, and examines the best practices for engineering a branded financial environment. The presentation features 50 photos and dozens of examples. Here’s a summary of the main points.
- With your next branch, be deliberate, strategic and intentional.
Don’t just do "what you’ve always done." - You need to build your branch around interactions, not transactions.
- Think like a retailer. Move from "fortresses" to "stores."
- Cross-sell your financial products and services.
- Think in terms of retail zones. Create retail destinations.
- Create brand theater.
- Have a retail street presence.
- You can create a secure environment without compromising your retail focus…
and without turning into Fort Knox. - Make it enjoyable.
- Make it memorable.
- Differentiate.
"The Future of Branches" is one of four presentations available from The Financial Brand that have been built specifically for financial institutions. The other three presentations include "The 7 Deadly Branding Sins," "Results 2.0," and "The 11 Cs of Breakthrough Brands."