Small is Beautiful
How and why credit unions should remain small and successful. This presentation contains insights and advice that every small, regional financial institution should take to heart (not just credit unions). 104 very interesting slides from Tim McAlpine, Currency Marketing. If you like what you see, check out either of these two bonus presentations: Bonus 1, Bonus 2
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Ten Characteristics Of Next Generation Financial Services Websites
Let’s face it…most financial institutions have pretty dull websites. Many look like they haven’t evolved in over a decade. This presentation — full of good ideas — is two years old and still not much has changed. 20 slides by Tim van Tongeren.
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Private Banking Business Models
Many differentiated business models and interesting ideas for high-net worth individuals. You may not serve the wealthy, but this presentation offers some great advice and tips on how to innovate a differentiated business model. If you think about it, you realize you can’t differentiate your brand without addressing your business model. Check it out, you won’t regret it. 81 fully-narrated slides by Alexander Osterwalder.
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Banking Transformed Podcast with Jim Marous
Listen to the brightest minds in the banking and business world and get ready to embrace change, take risks and disrupt yourself and your organization.
A Day in the Life With Instant Payments
Financial institutions can leverage the FedNow® Service to build instant payment solutions that consumers and businesses are demanding. See real-life use cases in this video.
Gen-Y Financial Services
Facts, insights, examples and ideas concerning Gen-Y financial marketing in this presentation by one of the financial industry’s most successful 20-something CEOs. 88 slides narrated by Bryan Sims, CEO of brass|MEDIA.
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What’s Next For The Branch Network
This four-part presentation includes an introduction about the importance of branches today and three case studies from three different sized financial institutions (Citizens Bank, MidSouth Bank and Coastal FCU). 48 slides by David Kerstein with Peak Performance.
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Just How Special & Different Are Financial Brands?
You have to listen to the narration in this presentation to truly appreciate what’s going on, but it’s worth it. It’s really a great speech. Only 11 slides with just under 10 minutes of narration by Justin Basini.
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Financial Institutions Respond to Bloggers
There are bloggers who say some pretty nasty things about financial institutions…maybe even yours. How should you respond? This presentation is the single best piece on the subject you’ll find anywhere on the web. 46 slides from William Azaroff, Vancity Credit Union.
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Promoting Thrift in an Age of Excess
This presentation is one part wake-up call and one part call-to-arms, extolling credit unions to embrace their mission of thrift. 61 slides by Filene’s Matt Davis (formerly with Members Credit Union).
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Secure Branch Design
An item by item presentation detailing the myriad of factors contributing to the design of secure branches. 28 slides from Brand Partners.
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Social Media for Bank Investor Relations
You almost never hear anyone talking about using social media to help manage shareholder relations. This presentation makes a good, solid case. 38 slides by Dave Hogan.
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