Is your community financial institution focused on maintaining and growing your deposit portfolio, yet still relying on the same strategies for growth and retention that worked over a decade ago?
Today’s market has become extremely unpredictable. After the Fed started raising rates for the first time in 12 years, we are now in a state of flux — with some indicators pointing to looming rate cuts. Many community banks and credit unions are missing out on growth and profit opportunities by sticking to traditional, rigid deposit strategies. And they may be losing dollars to competitors by not recognizing that consumers shop all deposit offerings when deciding where to store their money.
In this Webinar You’ll Learn:
- Why you need a flexible deposit strategy that works for any type of rate environment.
- Which strategies have been proven to attract profitable, loyal core deposits.
- How to price core deposits by comparing rates against all deposit sources in your market (including money markets and CDs).
Watch now by filling out the form on the right.