How Banks Can Connect with Consumers Across Devices

As a result of COVID-19, the vast majority of face to face communication has been eliminated, while the need to communicate with customers has never been more important.
With more people working from home — on new devices, new browsers, new IP addresses — people you thought you knew are now almost unrecognizable in the digital space. At a time when delivering a trusted brand experience—across-channels—is paramount, how confident are you that you can actually connect with each person online today?
Research from Forrester Consulting reveals that many financial brands are falling short on their ability to measure impact on marketing performance, increase consumer lifetime value, and most importantly, message the right person—and it’s costing a lifetime of value. Don’t let COVID-19 disrupt your consumer interactions. We invite you to explore solutions to reaching them across devices and with the right message, now and for their lifetime.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn why financial brands need to identify consumers, across all devices, especially during times of disruption.
- Understand the opportunity cost of not knowing people’s digital identity—and how it impacts your marketing budget and business bottom line.
- Receive actionable recommendations on how your organization can understand your consumers’ identity more fully, to foster positive customer experiences while meeting business and marketing KPIs.