Will Your Bank Be the Disruptor or Disrupted? Data is the Answer


There are a lot of well-funded startups, big banks, and big tech innovators that are winning consumers’ hearts by using data to deliver a better experience. Two main forces are driving this trend: an increase in consumer choice, and a decrease in resistance to change.

To become an innovator in the space and disrupt the norm, financial institutions must shift to a data-driven mindset, with a relentless focus on putting the customer first.

What you’ll learn:

  • How you stack up in your peer group among 1,400 financial institutions
  • How to transform your financial institution into a data-driven organization
  • How to identify consumer trends and become an innovator in the marketplace

To watch this free on-demand webinar, presented by MX, simply complete the contact form on the right.

Watch This On-Demand Webinar From MX Now

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