Is Your Consumer Lending Program Adapting Quickly Enough?

Experts from Kasasa discussed the 3 stages of consumer lending maturity and how to move your institution from a risk-averse program to a consumer-centric growth model.
Most lending models are based on traditional processes. But borrower behavior and needs are rapidly evolving, and there is no better time for predictive lending models. In this on-demand webinar, experts from Kasasa discussed the three stages of consumer lending maturity and how to move your institution from a risk-averse program to a consumer-centric growth model, all while maintaining your existing underwriting standards.
Discover how to:
- Assess where your institution ranks on the consumer lending maturity scale
- Draw consumers back from online lenders and fintechs using new insights in consumer behavior trends
- Deliver the next-level service that all borrowers now require – especially Millennials
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