Site Traffic & Reader Stats

Since The Financial Brand was launched in 2008, over 17 million executives in the banking industry have visited the site, reading articles over 40 million times along the way.


Projected Visitors in 2024Projected Pageviews in 2024
1.9 million3.75 million
Site Stats
Unique Visitors2.1 million2.2 million2.0 million2.0 million2.0 million
Total Pageviews4.4 million4.5 million4.1 million3.9 million4.1 million

Advertise on The Financial Brand and your ad could be seen 400,000+ times by over 200,000 unique financial executives every month. That means someone working in banking could looking at your ad once every 5.8 seconds, 24 hours a day — as many as 15,000 times every day. Annual advertisers often generate over 15,000+ visits to their website in a single year.

A top-performing campaign can generate over 3,000 clicks in just 30 days. And email advertorials can generate over 900+ clicks at an unbeatable $1.50 per click.

Breakdown of Readers by Type of Organization

Breakdown of Readers by Position/Title

Breakdown of Readers by Asset Size

Reader Engagement

  • 15,000 readers return to the site at least every other day.
  • Over 40,000 readers visit The Financial Brand at least once every week.
  • There are around 7,000 articles in The Financial Brand’s archive.
  • Articles on the site are read an average of 2,946 times each.
  • There are over 50,000 active subscribers to The Financial Brand’s weekly eDigest newsletters.

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The Financial Brand is your premier destination for comprehensive insights in the financial services sector. With our in-depth articles, webinars, reports and research, we keep banking executives up-to-date with the latest trends, growth strategies, and technological advancements that are transforming the industry today.

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